Do you find yourself rushing around with no time to think? Perhaps you have so much on, that it’s impossible to keep up? Or maybe you know the quality of your work is not its best and you’re worried you’re going to be found out?

Imagine 2017 is the year you get on top of things and that you will be in charge of your day rather than your day being in charge of you.

You see, “The quality of everything we do is dependant on the thinking we do first” – Nancy Kline.

So creating time to think is vital.  But how do you do that? It’s certainly not always easy and not always possible but try these ideas to regain control, get some time back and be in charge of your day.

Before you look at emails, and I mean BEFORE, think about these questions:-

o What’s important to get done today?

o Who do I need to reach out to?

o What sort of leader do I want to be?

o Who do I need to appreciate/acknowledge?

You might need to lie in bed for a couple of minutes longer to do this if you can’t trust yourself not to look at emails first thing!

As you walk between meetings ask yourself these questions:-

o What was great about that last interaction?

o What would I do differently next time?

o What do I want out of the next interaction? Win:Win

o How do I need to be to get the result I want?

And during your commute home or at the end of the day

o What can I celebrate, however small?

o What’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned?

o What needs to happen so I feel done for today?

o How can I best switch off and recharge the battery ready for tomorrow?

To help you with your time to think – download our free planners here