Thoughts & Inspiration

Switching off

Switching off

The inability of all of us to switch off is universal these days and is evident in every sector. The World Health Organisation states that stress is the ‘Global Health Epidemic of the 21st Century’.  Stress and burnout are on the increase globally due to the increase...

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Why Leadership Skills are Key for Success

Why Leadership Skills are Key for Success

More than ever Leadership skills are critical for success.  In the new world of hyper-connectivity and information overload being able to identify what is essential and what is just noise, will identify the true future leaders.  It requires more than being a ’subject...

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Getting Your Mojo Back

Getting Your Mojo Back

How’s your mojo right now? There are times when even the most positive of us loses our mojo, even momentarily … so here are my 5 tips for getting it back: Take a break – Ideally, take a holiday or short break. Changing your environment does wonders for changing your...

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The Importance of Sleep

The Importance of Sleep

Everywhere I go these days I see people who are sleep deprived and running on very low battery levels. Did you know that sleep is the most underrated health habit and also the most under rated productivity tool? You see, if you don't get enough sleep, it is not...

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Is 50 the new 30?

Is 50 the new 30?

Read more about me in a feature in You! magazine. or read the ttranscript below  The comeback queen  In the past decade Sarah Sparks, 55, from London, has had her first child, recovered from a breakdown and retrained to be an executive coach.  Secret weapons: having...

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10 tips to keep your brain healthy

10 tips to keep your brain healthy

If you are like most of the people I see in the City you probably find yourself, rushing from one thing to the next with no time to think. Maybe you’re worried about dropping a ball or not doing your job well and being found out. Perhaps you have good intentions at...

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